Are We Crazy?

We Are Looking for a Bug Out Location!

We have become concerned with the state of our nation. From unreasonable mandates throughout the world, to supply chain issues affecting our food supply, price of fuel, and the ability to procure the most basic household items, it has become concerning enough for us that we made a trip to Northern Idaho to see what we might find. This started out as a fact finding mission and progressed to looking at many pieces of property, to actually making an offer!

How do you feel about today’s state of affairs? Are you concerned? Are you concerned enough to start making plans for the safety of yourself, your family and your community? We stayed in Northern Idaho for over a week and worked with a great realtor to see if we could find something that worked for us.

Come along with us in this video and find out if were were successful or not! You might learn a thing or two along the way about land prices in Northern Idaho, a bit about water witching, and how the weather can change on a dime!

We absolutely love getting out there and meeting new people. We encourage all of our Mountain Beaches friends to shop small, shop local and to always be on the lookout to give a helping hand to those in need!

~Tomorrow is Never Promised~


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Vermont - Tiny Home TreeHouse!