Tornado Warning

We had just returned from a fantastic day of kayaking across the lake to a sweet little beach. Upon our return Kim’s alarm on her phone went off and then our Midland Weather Alert radio started blaring!

What do we do?
Where do we go?
What do we bring with us?
How much time do we have?
Is this really real?

Come along with us in this video. We were very concerned. How did we do? What should we have done differently?

I’m thankful for our Midland Alert radio. I’m also thankful that we took the time earlier this summer to put together an awesome First-Aid kit that was easy to pack with our other essentials.

Speaking of essentials - here is a list of items that should be taken with you in this kind of emergency. Do you have this type of emergency pack ready to go?

Food and Water

  • Granola bars

  • Beef jerky

  • Trail mix

  • Meals Ready to Eat, or MREs

  • Disposable eating utensils, plates and cups

  • Bottles, formula and baby food, if applicable

  • Pet food, if applicable


  • Warm clothes including hat, gloves and jacket

  • Extra change of clothing stored in a plastic bagHeavy shoes or boots

  • Work gloves

  • Poncho

  • Bike helmet to protect from falling debris

First-Aid Kit - Have one prepped and ready to go

Sanitation/Personal Supplies

  • Portable tissue packs

  • Hand sanitizerToilet paper

  • Trash bags

  • Diapers and wipes for babies, if applicable

  • 72-hours of personal medications

Camping Gear and Tools

  • Sleeping bags and blankets

  • Tent and tarp

  • Battery-operated lantern

  • Battery-operated weather radio

  • Flashlights

  • Extra batteries for lantern, radio and flashlights

  • Cash

  • Cell phone charger

  • Duct tape

  • Whistle

  • Nylon rope

  • Swiss army knife

  • Hammer

  • Waterproof matches

  • Work gloves


Lindsay creek Vineyards and a huge backing dilemma!


Someone In Need