First Structure is Going Up!

We have had great advice from many of our viewers as to how we should go about building a shed. Buy a prefab shed, hire someone to build it for you, have your friends come and help, etc… All of these suggestions are great in their own right, but we have reasons why we are doing it our way - which is 100% by ourselves. Why in the world would we do that? It’s not that much less expensive, we will need to go at our own pace (slow), and we will have to buy a bunch of equipment to even make it happen! Guess what?!? We are kind of independent souls who like the challenge of a new project. It’s also has been quite a few years since we have taken on a building project and we wanted to remind ourselves just how crazy we can be! In all seriousness, we plan on doing a lot of the work ourselves at Eagle Ridge. We will finish much of the work on our house structure, install our solar system, clean up our forest, plant a bunch of trees, and the list goes on! So, there you have it! We are independent, stubborn, eager learners, hard-workers, adventurers and love the challenge of a new project. We are doing it ourselves!

We absolutely love getting out there and meeting new people. We encourage all of our Mountain Beaches friends to shop small, shop local and to always be on the lookout to give a helping hand to those in need!

~Tomorrow is Never Promised~


IT Shouldn’t be this hard!


It’s Finally Happening