Fires Everywhere - What happens now?

After an AMAZING 10 days at Burning Man we are back at Eagle Ridge, our off-grid homestead in Northern Idaho. We were greeted here by fire season! Many fires burning out of control near our homestead but not directly affecting us - at least not right now. What steps did we need to take to try and mitigate the fire danger here in case a fire flared near our homestead? We put the shed build on hold, rented a tractor and mower and went to work getting rid of all the dry weeds immediately surrounding our trailer. Would this be enough? We hoped to never have to find out! We feel a bit more safe and are now ready to start working on the forest to get rid of the dead and diseased trees that are also a fire danger. Fingers crossed that we never have to experience a devastating fire in our immediate area!

We were so intent on getting this work done that neither Norm or I even thought to get photos to add to our gallery of pictures that you typically see below. We will do better next time!

We absolutely love getting out there and meeting new people. We encourage all of our Mountain Beaches friends to shop small, shop local and to always be on the lookout to give a helping hand to those in need!

~Tomorrow is Never Promised~


It Fell Over!


Burning Man!