We Mean It!

Patience, Patience, Patience

We are learning patience! We really are not very good at it, but we better embrace things taking longer than anticipated! Hours upon hours at home depot, buying items, returning items, rebuying what we really need, hitting water in the post hole, and the list goes on! But if we have to learn patience this is the most beautiful landscape to learn on! Our first project is close to completion and although it is taking longer than we anticipated we are happy with how it is coming together. We also were able to accomplish a little tree felling and more weed management. There is always something to do at Eagle Ridge!

Moral of the story - As long as you are happy with the outcome that’s what really counts!

We absolutely love getting out there and meeting new people. We encourage all of our Mountain Beaches friends to shop small, shop local and to always be on the lookout to give a helping hand to those in need!

~Tomorrow is Never Promised~


It’s Finally Happening


They just Have to Go!