Bucket List!!!

Kim’s Bucket List

We loved dry camping outside of Lake Pleasant, AZ! But more than that, we got to check off a bucket list item for Kim that she has had for decades. There is a story behind this. Kim’s mom, Janice, passed away at the unfortunate early age of 49. This was on Janice’s bucket list and she was never able to experience it. In honor of Kim’s mom we FINALLY were able to float through the air in her honor. Rainbow Ryder’s out of Phoenix was the perfect choice for our adventure. We had a fantastic pilot, Jesse N., who showed us the ropes on just how fun a balloon ride can be. To say the least, Kim is hooked! We hope to experience this again in the not too distant future!

We absolutely love getting out there and meeting new people. We encourage all of our Mountain Beaches friends to shop small, shop local and to always be on the lookout to give a helping hand to those in need!

~Tomorrow is Never Promised~


Boondocking - 21 Critical things to know before you go!


Run!!! Who’s afraid of snakes?